Arduino nano 5v and 3.3v nRF24L01+ transceptors

hi everyone,

i'm having trouble arduino nano bought in ebay sometime ago. want use nrf24l01+ transceptor, according specifications accepts 3.3v on power pin (but 5v tolerated in data pins). seems arduino nano has 3.3v port, multimeter indicated 5v  :o . followed instructions , using resistors made voltage divider , got 3.3v.

the thing is, transceptor works if connect 5v pin, not "new" 3.3v pin created, , i'm afraid damaging radio. works minutes , stops responding , must reset (but maybe it's unrelated).

why not working using 3.3v input?

btw, i'm using of these transceptors in battery powered 3v3 arduino pro mini, , seems work (with random crashes after hours still have figure out...).

a resistive voltage divider not work when load (the nrf24l01) has current changes lot.

see page  here:

the "base module" shown there solution providing 3.3v 5.0v , has bypass capacitors...

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Arduino nano 5v and 3.3v nRF24L01+ transceptors



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