
Showing posts from July, 2011

Need help with high altitude balloon

i've been trying read , understand topic of high altitude ballooning, boy confusing. i'm trying coach kids science fair project.  we need: the balloon, parachute, payload container, 'chute , rigging (check, understand this) here's i'm confused , hope folks willing out. i need build aprs station. there's called tracuino (sp?) that's build onto arduino, or in addition it?  i want track following info during flight (3-4 hours): temperature altitude (if it's not culled air pressure) air pressure location i guess that's it. i'm looking build shopping list. need buy thing off ground? am making sense? thanks help. a important thing decide how weigh. determine size of balloon , how helium need buy. there several web sites estimate everything. you can buy or build inexpensive aprs trackers . need amateur radio operators license , call sign operate 1 legally. if there aprs repeater close enough balloon path , connect...

Arduino motor shield r3 issues

hi all, i'm using rc controller control dc motors attached r3 motor shield. i'm running issue direction of motor defined pin being set high or low. reason pin setting has no impact on direction of motor. appreciated firstly, link shield. secondly circuit of how connected , powered. third, program. we may have chance @ helping you. weedpharma Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > Arduino motor shield r3 issues arduino

Non copia ora esatta

salve tutti , ho acquistato il modulo tiny rtc ds1307 i2c come partenza per diversi progetti , ho trovato sul web un codice realizzato da mauro alfieri con il quale mi permette di visualizzare sul display lcd la data e l'ora . una volta caricato il codice, l'anno il mese il giorno e l'ora sono corrette mentre minuti e secondi non lo sono ,vorrei sapere se l'ho copiato esattamente o se manca una porzione di codice. vi ringrazio anticipatamente. guido    code: [select] #include <wire.h>                          #include <rtclib.h>                #include <liquidcrystal.h> char buffer[10];                    rtc_ds1307 rtc;                        liquidcrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); void setup () {     wire.begin();    ...

Constant audio input

hi, is possible arduino listen audio input, , if there no sound more 5 sec move servo. i new arduino , if give me reference of similar, grateful. quote i new arduino do have electronics or programming experience? i suggest start reading through arduino language reference .   if you've programmed before should make sense.   if you've never programmed before won't understand all, it's not lot read-through , give idea of can do. then read-through of example programs , maybe try few of them.   i'm assuming line-level audio signal?    the analog read serial example shows how read analog voltage.  then it's if-statement, timing, , servo library. there's 1 more thing...   arduino can damaged negative voltages (or voltages greater +5v).   need protection circuit protect against negative half of ac audio signal. Arduino Forum > ...

servo motor abnormal behaviour

hi guys greetings , many many such nice , cooperative forum. new field bought arduino mega controller , mg995 servo motor. followed tutorials , copy paste circuit servo not stopping @ continuously rotating though input angle. code write follows. #include <servo.h> int pos=0; int servodelay = 25 ; int servopin = 2 ; servo firstservo ; void setup() {   serial.begin( 9600) ;   firstservo.attach ( servopin ) ;   } void loop() {  serial.println (" want position servo ?");   while ( serial.available() == 0 ) { }   pos = serial.parseint() ;   firstservo.write(pos) ;   } quote from: humayunraza on aug 15, 2016, 08:36 pm it continuously rotating though input angle. are using continuous rotation servo or normal 180 degree servo? you cannot move continuous rotation servo specific angle - can control speed , direction. should stop servo.writemicroseconds(1500); may need vary number or down suit particular servo....

Usint the RFM69HW RF transceiver

first, best place discuss device? have arduino uno , mega each wired rfm69 transceiver. not communicate. downloaded software sparkfun site thought should work. software relatively simple , demonstrates encryption, , acknowledgement. software compiles , loads , communication not work. since rfm69 not have debug capabilities know of, @ loss start. problem software, rfm69 (either 1 of them), wiring, have checked or what. anybody here have experience device? are using board directly or breakout version? have accounted different voltage levels between arduinos , rf69? are using correct spi pins? not same on uno , mega. in general, if you're using example code supplied problems in circuit. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > Usint the RFM69HW RF transceiver a...

Time Delay Relay

hi can please help, im after simple code create time delay relay function. this i'm trying achieve. if pin set high the arduino count down pre determined amount of time, if time expires react, (digitalwrite pin high) eg.    if (pina == high)         count down predetermined amount         if expires         digitalwrite ( pinb, high) thanks in advance which part stuck on ? if program doing nothing else reading input , controlling relay the maligned delay() function want.  if program doing other things need use millis() timing. more details required. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Time Delay Relay arduino

Reverse Voltage Issue

hello everybody, need assistance asap. i've built small project using arduino mega , think have reverse voltage issue. attached in sketch of problematic part in setup. i have 2 power supplies of kind: one provides 5v drives relay module , second 1 provides 12v drives arduino through 12v input jack , electromagnet through relay module. the electromagnet of kind: the relay module of kind: 5v arduino connected 16 channel relay module (didn't connect ground because don't want arduino drive relay module). arduino controls specific relay digital output. i have micro-switch connected other digital pi...

[Gelöst] Arduino IDE Crasht sofort

nachdem ich mir heute meinen ersten arduino (einen arduino uno) gekauft habe, habe ich die software auf meinem computer installiert. nachdem ich meinen arduino dann angeschlossen hatte, hat sich dieser wie er sollte erfolgreich seinen treiber geladen. nun habe ich aber das problem, dass sobald ich die software öffne diese auch für einen bruchteil einer sekunde geöffnet wird und sich sofort wieder schließt. die troubleshooting seite besagt, dass man falls das passiert seinen seriellen bluetooth port bzw. andere com ports abschalten soll, aber einen bluetooth port wird mir nicht angezeigt (da ich keinen empfänger habe) und den anderen com port zu deaktivieren hat auch nichts gebracht. ich besitze einen windows 7 64bit system. ich habe schon versucht den arduino treiber manuell zu installieren, allerdings kommt dann nur die info dass dieser auf dem neusten stand ist. auch das neue installieren der ide hat nichts geändert. schon mal im vorraus vielen dank für die hilfe max ...

RSGallery, erros de JS no front e backend - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

pessoal, estou desenvolvendo um site aqui, tudo está muito bem. porém o internet explorer há um alerta na barra de status informando que há erro de javascript. É um erro conhecido? alguém pode me dar uma luz que seria? url: ... &itemid=34 Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Portuguese Forum Componentes, módulos e mambots

Change the color of a RGB strip while the RFID tag is in place.

i started week trying achieve "title" says. thanks forum , examples other sites, got what wanted do. so here, thanking help, post code. hope useful someone. description of program: i needed serial print number corresponds tag of rfid card (tag 1f002990bf19 stands number 1 tag 1f0017b6b04e stands number 2 , on tags) the numbers read vvvv or unity show standby screen when "0" read show video when "1" read show video b when "2" read show video c when "3" read. when screen in standby mode   "0 in serial"   rgb strip light on cold white color. when screen in video   "1 in serial"   rgb strip light on soft blue color when screen in video b   "2 in serial"   rgb strip light on magenta color when screen in video c   "3 in serial"   rgb strip light on soft green color if place rfid tag/card on reader, depending on tag placed, leds will change color , (vvvv o...

Strange behavior

hello guys! i have piece of code below code: [select] void core::sendat( const __flashstringhelper *_command, const __flashstringhelper *_response ) {     bool completed = true;         start:     char *command  = static_cast<char*>( malloc( sizeof *command * sizeof _command ) );     char *response = static_cast<char*>( malloc( sizeof *response * sizeof _response ) );     byte cursor = 0;     while ( ( command[cursor] = pgm_read_byte_near( ( char* ) _command + cursor ) ) != nul )         cursor++;         cursor = 0;        while ( ( response[cursor] = pgm_read_byte_near( ( char* ) _response + cursor ) ) != nul )         cursor++;     debug << f( "command: " ) << command << crlf;     debug << f( "response: " ) << response << crlf;   ...

Trying to understand conditions.

i'm trying pick c++ through arduino, , i've gotten point i'm trying use conditions in different applications learn how work. unfortunately i've come across situation notice knowledge limited, , can't see why, after several google searches, i'm hoping in here might able point me in correct direction. the application basic one: have 2 led's want flash sequentially, first one, other. should go on indefinitely. i've gotten work while loop, if loop doesn't work, , keep 1 led flashing, based on value i've set "counter" be. code: [select] void setup() {   // put setup code here, run once:   pinmode(11, output);   pinmode(12, output); } void loop() {   // put main code here, run repeatedly:   int counter = 0;   if (counter % 2 == 0) { //if "counter" number, run segment:     digitalwrite(11, high);     delay(500);     digitalwrite(11, low);     delay(500); ...

ATTINY85 will nicht wie Arduino Board

moin leute, ich habe eine fernbedienung gebastelt die ein keypad von robodyn verwendet. Über einen analogport lese ich die eingangsspannung aus und gebe dann die nummer der gedrückten taste ein 433 funkmodul weiter. diese schaltung hat mit einem normalen arduino wunderbar funktioniert, jetzt aber mit dem attiny85 nicht. es ist alles richtig verlötet. ich konnte einmal die daten empfangen, als ich gemessen habe, aus dem keypad beim tiny ankommt (messgerät). das bekomme ich aber nicht reproduziert - war wohl ein zufall. mit dem messgerät sehe ich auch, dass bei knopfdruck spannung auf dem data-pin des funksenders liegt. passt auch. mein arduino mit funkempfänger zeigt allerdings nichts an. das keypad gibt je nach gedrückter taste eine unterschiedliche spannung aus. schaltregler ist verbaut, damit 9v klappen. im anhang meine unglaublich gut gezeichnete schaltung. hier der code: code: [select] #include <rcswitch.h> rcswitch myswitch = rcswitch(); int analogpin = a1; int va...

Serial RX/TX from the Arduino at 5v

i think called rs485, not sure. i working on project , there device spitting out 1200 baud (8n1) , goes arduino. there "looked at" , actioned needed. thing is, don't know how can , flash arduino new software if doesn't work while still in situe/place.   (spelling?) i not sure sent.   (at 5v signal levels) so isn't can have serialmonitor open well. i have heard of beast ftdi, know nothing of it.   other way program arduino. i shall go , try learn too, looking pointers people may have been here before. it tricky because: as 5v levels, can't watch data pc.  , arduino has 1 (?) comm port, , if receiving data other device, can't report pc seeing. the "cheat" way around (kinda) read 'n' characters end , read them backwards, sort of thing. that way, "header" of don't know negated, important stuff (the last 8 characters) .....  last 8 characters. read in string (?term?) , @ right-most...

Thread: script to shut my screen off after 5 min of inactivity

my screen has stopped working (hardware issue). have system set when close screen on laptop, shuts screen off. have push down pretty hard on lid actual screen shut off. how go writing script shut screen off after 5 min of inactivity? know how gui (preferences>screen saver>power management), since change setting (watching movies, etc.), nice automate process. have never written script before, don't know start... help.. dave anyone?? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] script to shut my screen off after 5 min of inactivity Ubuntu


okay im not electrical engineer im mechanical degree. im not programming expert. kind , patient. have idea control motor want vary specific analog input. using thermal couple 2 pin control duty cycle of pwm. think math right. if need compensate temperature 2 high can edit equation give desired voltage on mosfet via duty cycle. here current problem before math. via serial , ive never done , yesterday began read on arduino coding. bare me. can read out of analog thermal input can them modify math. need sweet spot on duty cycle. whats occurring not exponential flat curve. im controlling fan , duty cycle either on or doesnt keep temperature. 1.serial readout of analog input 2.math to elaborate understand maybe if statement help. analogread below 256 makes analogwrite = 0 0 duty cycle. 257-1023/3=min duty cycle of 25.2 133% (i know cant go on 33 % havent figured out exponential way have respond smaller area of analog input looking 255-400 out of whole 1023)id fan conserve power be...

Stock System? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i'm trying think of effective way list parts on joomla site. i'd able filter/search parts, , each part have information, e.g. in stock (y or n) location (stores or office) etc... , admin can change it. is best way make hundreds of content items? can't find extensions sort of thing. thanks. hi you use virtuemart in catalog mode (no shopping functionality). in virtuemart create  product catalog in hierarchy/catagories  in stock attribute, images description etc. there filter , search functions use. /andreas Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x

PI2 problems - Raspberry Pi Forums

been using pi2 time come across few problems @ once. can openelec/libreelec install no problem once it's installed freezes , on reboot nothing happens blank screen. cpu never goes above 600mhz, when let's me in have noticed temps on cpu hitting 106f device still feels cold, sd card faulty? advice appreciated. thanks the inability reboot suggests corrupted usd card. try load fresh copy of os using "etcher". if still won't boot, usd card may bad , should same new card: 8 gig minimum size, class 10 , top-line vendor sandisk or samsung reputable vendor. sandisk ultra 16g excellent choice sure comes in original packaging. take care not unplug power or remove usd card until proper shutdown has been completed biggest source of borked usd cards. raspberrypi

dnsmasq, 2 Ethernet - Raspberry Pi Forums

i've scoured raspberry pi, debian, ubuntu, , every other forum can find, , i'm stumped. here's setup: have 1 rpi acting master node cluster. pi connects home network using usb-ethernet adapter, , has static ip in 192.168 range. no problems there. pi's onboard ethernet connects switch, connects 4 slave nodes, set dhcp (with goal master node assign specific ips each node based on naming convention, first slave, second, etc.) ignoring new naming scheme in stretch, eth0 connected internet/home , eth1 connected slave nodes. want slave nodes able talk each other, internet, want master node act dhcpserver , dns other nodes, rest of home network (192.168) can see master node. every guide/question/help can find seems still use /etc/network/interfaces, , it's understanding it's been deprecated dhcpcd. if hasn't can't figure out how interfaces relates dhcpcd , dnsmasq. can point me in right direction? thank you. i not professional......

Stazione Meteo Completa!

stazione meteo completa: schemi, pcb, software, hardware e le sue funzionalità! salve tutti! scrivo questo topic qui sul forum per condividere il mio progetto tutti, visto che è completamente open source, di una stazione meteo completa. cosa vuol dire completa? la stazione meteorologica comprende tutti valori che servono al monitoraggio delle condizioni fisiche dell'atmosfera in un determinato luogo e quindi essa misurerà: temperatura umidità pressione pioggia vento direzione del vento punto di rugiada wind chill(raffreddamento da vento) heat index(indice di calore) rain rate(intensità delle precipitazioni) ora i componenti per misurare tutto ciò saranno: temperatura ds18b20 umidita' dht22 pressione bmp180 pioggia e rain rate ws2300-16 o davis 7852 intensita' del vento e direzione tx20 (sia intensita' che direzione del vento) orologio ds3231 per le altre variabili serviranno delle equazioni che troveremo nel programma e sfrutteremo valori del ds18b20 e del dht...

HELP with Stepper Code

hi, looking  arduino coding stepper motor operating system.  i'm complete newbie (old mech engineer) world of arduino , 'c' programming please bear me. system-  nema17 /100:1 ratio stepper  connected leonardo board via easy driver shield. it's controlled via 2 pushbutton momentary switches (fwd & rev) , 2 limit switches on stepper motor/gear box assy (rev & stop/park).   rev switches connected in parallel, 1 automated operation, other manual intervention/override. operation- push fwd(go) button , stepper motor runs cw until hits rev limit switch (or manual rev button pushed) , returns ccw stop/park limit switch , stops - total movement 20deg.  additionally, fwd/cw (go) movement speed variable via 10k pot (slowly rotate @ manually set / adjusted speed). while rev/ccw movement runs @ single high speed only. (returns start position , stops).  it has r/g/b led indicators each action/mode. my difficulties - found during adruino research br...

Short a circuit on command?

hey everyone, it's been while since last did electronics related, , way before age of arduino boards. i'm designing requires short in circuit upon command in order trigger camera flash. there way safely short circuit fire flash without damaging arduino uno board? if needed, can elaborate little more once home, , can include photos. thanks in advanced! with kind regards, corbin you can use relay supply dry contact output. the arduino picks relay circuit needed. . Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Short a circuit on command? arduino

Thread: No interface?

hey guys server came went put ubuntu server 9.10 on , shock command based os. im noob linux thought server edition same ubuntu desktop edition. there command let me log in ubuntu desktop edition. thanks, twin-08 sorry asking noob questions noob linux it normal have command line on server, doesn't stop installing desktop environment of choice. eg, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop install gnome. but... install stuff comes it, open office ect. i'm sure there way desktop can't remember how, come along , tell you, or use search engine, isn't first time question has been asked Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Ubuntu Servers, Cloud and Juju Server Platforms [ubuntu] No interface? Ubuntu

Thread: Acer 5739G Video Problem

when install nvidia video drivers video becomes this: fixed? you need edit /etc/x11/xorg.conf , make sure "modevalidation" "nototalsizecheck" option present. in file, screen section reads: code: section "screen" identifier "screen0" device "device0" monitor "monitor0" defaultdepth 24 option "modevalidation" "nototalsizecheck" subsection "display" depth 24 endsubsection endsection Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] Acer 5739G Video Problem Ubuntu

Question about true black

ok, understand print, best use "true black" cmyk color. don't understand how set photoshop, illustrator, , indesign convert blacks true blacks, don't have worry when i'm working in cmyk document. there way? i know in illustrator there option select "print blacks true black" (even though don't know illustrator considers true black, since use 50,40,40,100, use 40,30,40,100, , on) why doesn't photoshop have option when working in cmyk? here example of why confuses me...lets i'm working in photoshop , have bunch of graphics (some imported , created)..i have manually go , check make sure of these graphics using choice true black (50,40,40,100). why can't photoshop automatically apply true black when i'm working in cmyk? i'm worried may on of graphics in regular black, because print in different shade true black. photoshop's cmyk black set to: 75,68,67,90...why? i've never read pick true black doesn't have 100 last n...

LED strip types

i've been confused variety , terminology around led strips, , deciding use. i found resources may useful other 'beginners'. i encourage more experienced forumites point out errors or provide links better resources. then there matter of individually addressable led's in strip.  these have driver chip adjacent each led on strip... having said - looking rgb strip individually addressable led's.  purposes be - computer inside case lighting - edge lit acrylic signage. and controlled arduino.... naturally. i'd appreciate if point me in right direction. ...

Thread: Movie Player playing MP3's as if they were "streaming"

this hasn't been problem, popped 2 or 3 months ago. when play mp3 in movie player, plays, on bottom left see: playing | [time] (streaming) if try pause audio, damn thing resets begining of mp3. also, while i'm listening mp3, can't drag progress bar skip ahead in mp3. tried listening these mp3s using rhythmbox music player. can pause file, still can't skip forward or within file. it's driving me nuts. how go debugging this? hmmm... in rhythmbox, arrows jump next/previous track, not move within track. in movie player, go edit > preferences > general tab , select "start playing files last position." not sure if help, i'm unable duplicate problem in movie player. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support System76 Support [ubuntu] Movie Player playing MP3's as if they were "st...

'StrContains' was not declared in this scope ???

hoi, kan iemand mij helpen met deze foutmelding, kom er echt niet uit. code onderstaand alvast bedankt code: [select] #include <spi.h> #include <ethernet.h> #include <sd.h> // size of buffer used capture http requests #define req_buf_sz 60 // mac address ethernet shield sticker under board byte mac[] = { 0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef, 0xfe, 0xed }; ipaddress ip(192, 168, 0, 20); // ip address, may need change depending on network ethernetserver server(80); // create server @ port 80 file webfile; // web page file on sd card char http_req[req_buf_sz] = {0}; // buffered http request stored null terminated string char req_index = 0; // index http_req buffer boolean led_state[2] = {0}; // stores states of leds void setup() { // disable ethernet chip pinmode(10, output); digitalwrite(10, high); serial.begin(9600); // debugging // initialize sd card serial.println("initializing sd card..."); if (!sd.begin(4)) { serial.println("error - sd card initializa...

External HDD shutsdown on reboot. Fix? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi there. when run reboot hdd shuts down , after couple of seconds starts spinning again. think should not case, disk should never stop , restart, it's terribe mechanics. how can fix this? thanks! hi. that's expect happen, after reboot instruction shutdown instruction start instruction following it, when pi shuts down turns hdd off well, , when pi starts few seconds later starts hdd again. should not problem unless rebooting many times day. after hdd in desktop gets powered , shutdown each time use , last years. raspberrypi

Arduino ph monitor

hi i'm trying figure out how setup ph meter through arduino data logging through ethernet connection. have been looking while , haven't found much. hoping suggestions and/or ideas when comes approaching this. thanks what want measure? something might useful you? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Sensors > Arduino ph monitor arduino

LCD por i2c no funciona!

hola... mi problema es que al tratar de escribir en el diplay lcd por i2c en vez de escribirme la palabra entera me escribe solo la primer letra. probe un monton de librerias, sin ninguna solucion. el integrado que utiliza el modulo i2c es el pcf8574at. utilizo un arduino mega. le pregunte algunos de mis profesores y no saben ni ellos    utilizo la libreria liquidcrystal_i2c-master. #include <wire.h> #include <liquidcrystal_i2c.h> liquidcrystal_i2c lcd(0x27,20,4);  // set lcd address 0x27 20 chars , 4 line display void setup() {   lcd.init();                      // initialize lcd     // print message lcd.   lcd.backlight();   lcd.print("hello, world!"); } void loop() { } desde ya gracias prueba con esto: #include <wire.h> #include <liquidcrystal_i2c.h> #define i2c_addr    0x27 liquidcrystal_i2c       ...

how to cumulate 2 actions

hello, newbies in arduino, trying program these actions: 1-enter secret code on keypad 2-if right code entered, blink led while waiting for… 3-a touch sensor activated finally... 4-keep led on , unlock door can't cumulate code , sensor unlock magnet solenoid if can light lantern, code attached below ok. sketch moves through number of states. 0 - waiting more kepresses. finished when recent 4 (or six) keypresses match code 1 - waiting touch sensor. finishes when touch sensor acivated (go state  2), or when there timeout (go state 0). 2 - keeping door unlocked. finishes when … dunno. going keep door unlocked set amount of time? going sense when door opened. , go 'locked' mode when closes again? code: [select] enum state {   entering_code = 0,   waiting_touch_sensor = 1,   door_unlocked = 2 } state = entering_code; void loop() {   switch(state) {   case entering_code:     read_the_keypad();     if(vali...

Problem: Arduino Uno + Ultra Compact RS232 to TTL Converter -> Projector-Control

hello ladies , gentleman, i looking answer of problem. want control nec beamer arduino - power on / off. bought rs232 ttl converter @ amazon , connected arduino. seems doesn't works. don't know why. i tested usb-rs232-adapter , coolterm osx , sended hex-string "02 00 00 00 00 02" power on , "02 01 00 00 00 03" power off - works (send_data_usbadapter_to_projector _ works). when connect arduino on rs232 rs232-usb-adapter, receives data in attachment (send_data_arduino_to_usbadapter.png): 200002200002200002 because loop, see arduino-code: quote #include <softwareserial.h> const int rx = 10; // rx pin of arduino, so(serial out)of trex. const int tx = 11; // tx pin of arduino, si(serial in)of trex. softwareserial myserial (rx, tx); // rx of trex, tx si of trex void setup() {  serial.begin(9600);  myserial.begin(9600);   } void loop() {  delay(1000);  myserial.print(0x02,hex);  myserial.print(0x00,hex);  myserial.p...