ffmpeg h264_omx encoder - libomxcore.so missing. - Raspberry Pi Forums

linux raspberrypi 4.9.56-v7+ #1044 smp fri oct 13 15:23:13 bst 2017 armv7l gnu/linux
fmpeg version 3.2.5-1

when try use h264_omx encoder

[h264_omx @ 0x4eb940] libomx_core.so not found
[h264_omx @ 0x4eb940] libomxcore.so not found

tried apt-file find 2 files don't seem part of package?! where/how should find them?

in advance!

after research learned omx layer in raspbian handled libomxil-bellagio library. fact ffmpeg apparently expecting different library suggest there's wrong raspbian ffmpeg package?

anyway, recompiled ffmpeg myself , got h264_omx encoder work.



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