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Thread: How to start from scratch installing LaTex/TexLive?


i'm on linux thee months (newbie)
i'm working lyx physics , math documents,
, including pgf/tikz scripts graphics.

everytime want use new library or install pgf/tikz based feature, encounter many (apparantly unsolvable) problems.

people giving me advice of dont know how implement it.
example : use tex-manager (tlmgr) install or that.
upon checking see dont have tex-manager (of documentation says should included in teh package.... (sigh)
apparantly messed in previous installations, tex unbale find files, libraries, etc time.

therefore want start scratch latex/tex/livetex/lyx/pgf/tikz.

willing coach me process?

you can save hassle installing texlive 2009 in separate tree.

ubuntu packages (texlive-*) installed in sophisticated system, distributed on file system. main files under /usr/share/texmf-texlive, config under /etc, docs under /usr/share/doc, etc.

configuration of official packages rather complicated. there several trees files can placed , packages ctan repo extracted.

have problem tex stuff ubuntu packages little old. when want install newer stuff, or unpackaged stuff, have hands quite dirty. , have know way around setup quite well.

can download installer website:

(perhaps need perl-tk archives that)

install directory /opt/texlive2009

afterwards have adjust $path, when call programs 'latex' execute right binaries. e.g in ~/.profile:
export path=/opt/texlive2009/bin/i386-linux:$path
the tlmgr program not included in ubuntu, because cannot figure out way make work properly. conflicts packaging philosophy.

if installation worked, installing more packages easy 'tlmgr install'. maybe try installation right first.

can imagine there problems. depends on how customized already. should giv clean slate.

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