Comments and suggestions on a site that just went live - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello fellow joomladians (is right?),

i slaved summer getting site , though there still more work done, met our "go live" date past friday.  please take , provide comments or suggestions appropriate.  time!


website url:

template: technopia3

additional extensions (components, modules, plug ins): jevents calendar, attend sessions, virtuemart, 1pixeloutplayer (more aren't used yet)

custom development: slight modifications in template far code, complete rework of alsmost design elements.  changes events handle displaying of repeating events differently.

other features: moofx boxes give accordian affect on side favorite.  had modify code reclose if click on 1 open.

three (at least) specific areas of site i'd feedback on (design, code, graphics, etc.): want feedback on design , graphics, think of moofx boxes , customization of calendar?  load time still ok the  graphics?  obvious visual issues didn't catch in other browsers? 

additional comments:  virtue mart component set catalog until online purchasing set up.  events registration require online purchasing @ point soon.  still work in progress there may areas little text.

is site bout art or healing love ? saw lot art @ site ,...or site healing love hurt art :) way nice site brother  ;)


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