Need Help for AVR program to run on Arduino Mega (Network Cable Tester)

i wanted add network cable tester  , length tester in existing project.
here link existing project

i found diy on russian forums link bellow ( english translation)

my problem can not understand connection mega , how change program work mega.

thanks in advance
i attached original program file

you need change of i/o registers.  those 'variables' named portx/pinx/ddrx 'x' letter: a, b, c, or d.  note: arduino uno has no porta must different processor.  each port represents set of 8 pins.  the data direction register (ddrx) sets each pin input or output.  the portx register writing output pins , pinx register reading input pins.

you want find chart shows ports connected pins.  not pins of every port go female headers arduino users think of 'pins'.

the adxxx registers control a/d converter.  the tccr1x registers timer/counter control registers timer1.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Need Help for AVR program to run on Arduino Mega (Network Cable Tester)



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