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Thread: No_pubkey 2ebc26b60c5a2783

w: gpg error: karmic release: following signatures couldn't verified because public key not available: no_pubkey 2ebc26b60c5a2783

error when try check updates... knows how solve this? i'm new linux , i'm enjoying os lot. makes me lot of things because it's faster , more stable. able install updates after it, showed me error. dunno how troubleshoot issue , need help. . guys! , way, i'm ian , philippines. .

- using sony vaio vgn-nr310e laptop
- linux ubuntu 9.10, gnome ver 2.28.1
- planning partition ubuntu pc
-- amd athlon xp 64 4400+
-- asus m2n mxse
-- nvidia geforce fx 8500gt se
-- 2 gb kingston ram
-- motorolla fax/modem
-- there issues?

, more power!

open terminal (applications > accessories > terminal), , type or copy/paste following it:

sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver 0c5a2783
enter password when prompted.... see if works.

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