Arduino Uno to Excel using PLX-DAQ
i given code word "bob" line of serial data...i since tried tweak work with , having no luck...i'm trying use pin 10 receive serial data ardunio. send lines contain "bob" in them excel using plx-daq. anytime pin 10 on arduino sees serial data, process data , "bob", send entire line containing "bob'" excel , when if new line of data containing "bob" comes in, update next row in excel. here's have not working.... appreciate suggestions...thank in advance.
code: [select]
#include <softwareserial.h>
softwareserial myserial(10); //rx on pin 10
char pattern[] = "bob";
char row = 0;
void setup() {
//serial.print(f("looking '"));
myserial.begin(38400); // bigger number better
//pinmode(rxpin, input)
serial.println("cleardata"); //clears data left previous projects
serial.println("label,acolumn,"); //always write label, excel knows next things names of columns (instead of acolumn write time instance)
void loop() {
byte inchar;
bool docheck = false;
const byte linebuffersize = 65;
static char scbuffer[linebuffersize];
static byte buffindex = 0;
while (myserial.available() > 0) {
inchar =;
if (inchar == 10) {
} else if (inchar == 13) {
docheck = buffindex;
} else {
if ((buffindex == 0) && iswhitespace(inchar)) {
scbuffer[buffindex++] = inchar;{
docheck = (buffindex == (linebuffersize - 1));
if (docheck) {
scbuffer[buffindex] = 0;
if (strstr(scbuffer, pattern))
buffindex = 0;
serial.print("data,scbuffer,"); //writes time in first column , time since measurements started in column b
//serial.println(...); //be sure add println last command knows go next row on second run
delay(100); //add delay
your code , intentions, not mention reasons why, incomprehensible. there 2 lines of note:
is nonsensense. 38400 may cause of problem, faster software serial kiss of death, , changing 9600 may fix problem.
means sending data plx on hardware serial, usb cable, in normal manner, fine. means can send same data serial monitor in normal manner , test ok. if is, problem setting of plx.
the problem plx may mismatch in baud rate, note can sure of getting plx work office 2003 , earlier.
code: [select]
myserial.begin(38400); // bigger number better
is nonsensense. 38400 may cause of problem, faster software serial kiss of death, , changing 9600 may fix problem.
code: [select]
means sending data plx on hardware serial, usb cable, in normal manner, fine. means can send same data serial monitor in normal manner , test ok. if is, problem setting of plx.
the problem plx may mismatch in baud rate, note can sure of getting plx work office 2003 , earlier.
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Interfacing w/ Software on the Computer > Arduino Uno to Excel using PLX-DAQ
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