GPIO control via listener server guidance - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all,

query has been answered before, have spent quite bit of time googling unsuccessfully. because havent found search string adequately describe trying accomplish.

end result pi connected my wifi network. must able change each output gpio low high, or set it's voltage listening http request device on network.

plan create small home automation server multiple listening pi's. server pi have interface commands run:
"http://listenera.ip/gpio1/" <-turn on gpio 1 on listener
"http://listenera.ip/gpio1/" <-turn on gpio 1 on listener
"http://listenera.ip/gpio2/" <-set gpio 2 3.3v on listener

have found bits , pieces achieves parts of goal, no tutorial me way. advice appreciated.


perhaps pigpio daemon running on each pi controlled central python script want.




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