ATTiny85 Timing Question

i have completed first project attiny85, namely external watchdog timer.  expects pulses different controller, , resets if pulses stop. sweet little chip, , can see plenty of uses it.

but 1 thing seems odd.  understand it, internal clock, delivered factory, 1 mhz.  expected delay() function run 16 times slow, , millis().  instead, find delay(n) gives me 8*n ms. , similarly, millis() advances 1 when 8 realtime ms. have passed.  why should be?

thanks in advance insights.

as understand it, internal clock, delivered factory, 1 mhz.  
it is.

i find delay(n) gives me 8*n ms. , similarly, millis() advances 1 when 8 realtime ms. have passed.  why should be?
the core / board using has f_cpu set 8000000.

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