Color: Schemes--Exploration and generation

in posts follow you'll find links color scheme generators , comparison charts, plus utilities , applications can used explore relationships between different colors in variety of ways. these can useful building color sets on website or in print projects.

some work directly in browser through either java, javascript or flash or shockwave plugin; others applications or utilities download , use separate programs or in conjunction other programs.

depending on site or application choose, display colors side-by-side , show codes these colors in different formats, i.e.: rgb, hexadecimal, cmyk, lab, hsb, html named colors, etc. additionally, there create downloadable text files containing list of colors choose, , others generate swatch files can save , can imported directly favorite applications.

colorschemer online .

choose color, , online color schemer creates palette of 15 complementary colors. lighten or darken entire range @ push of button.

More discussions in Photoshop Lounge Repository



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