Display unsigned long value in LCD...(Solution #30 )

what want :

- read user parameter stored in eeprom. maximum value of parameter 99 sec.
- multiply 1000 convert millisecond required further computation in code.
- display converted value user decrement every loop call. relevant code segments below :

code: [select]

// variable declarations..

byte cytadd = 0 ;            // eeprom address store cycle time
byte cytdata = 5;            // eeprom address store machine data
char lcdmsg[17];
unsigned long cyctime, cycletime;
unsigned long loopdelay = 10;


// storing cycletime eeprom. user edits value 4 digit number on lcd
// , results stored in 4 variables tempchar[0] tempchar[3] , following code called :

 if (userkey == 'e') {
      userkey = no_key;
      cyctime = atoi(tempchar);
      if (cyctime != 0) eeprom.put(cytadd, cyctime);

// code read value eeprom , convert millisecond..

eeprom.get(cytadd, cyctime );               // read stored cycle time...
cycletime = long(cyctime)*1000ul;           // convert cyctime ms.

// code displaying decrementing millisecond value:

cycletime -= loopdelay;
lcd.setcursor(0, 0);
sprintf( lcdmsg, "cycle[ms]:%06ul", cycletime)

the user has entered 99 seconds. value gets displayed starts 64000 instead of 99000. think value defaulting unsigned integer - because of way storing seconds value result of atoi() function ? thought offset multiplying value 1000ul. not seeme work. tried long(cycletime). no change ...

what mistake doing ?

you've posted parts of code understand well. post other parts, contain problem.

Arduino Forum > Community > Gigs and Collaborations > Display unsigned long value in LCD...(Solution #30 )



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