[SOLVED] Bridge wlan0 and eth0 - help needed - Raspberry Pi Forums


have modbus/tcp devices connected via eth0 raspberry pi 3 date raspbian jessie desktop.
1. make rpi wi-fi hotspot in order able connect modbus/tcp devices laptop , phone via wi-fi.
modbus devices have hard coded ip addresses e.g. 192.168.0.xxx:502 network has 192.168.0.xxx

2. able update pi once in while , think easiest way plug whole eth0 network in router , download updates occasionally.

have tried follow guide not able want:
https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentati ... s-point.md

wondering if matters whether bridge eth0 wlan0 or wlan0 eth0. or maybe there missing in guide?
problem is start doing steps per guide network widget on desktop stops working (does not see wifi network anymore) makes hard troubleshoot issues. format sd, load fresh raspbian image on again , start again.
looking help. ideas appreciated.

it's not case of bridging interface interface b. way bridging works create virtual interface (the "bridge", called br0) , give ip address. add interfaces bridge. order isn't important.

don't "bridge eth0 wlan0" or "bridge wlan0 eth0" such, "add wlan0 , eth0 bridge". can have more 2 interfaces on bridge.



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