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Thread: Regarding 2nd Hard Drive & KDE / Internet Dongle

ok, hello everyone, long time linux user (used mandriva many years), got forced use windows, on version of linux, in case ubuntu, 9.10 think (karmic?).

got 2 questions can't quite figure answers to.

1. laptop has 2 harddrives. mounted second @ /home/harley/.windows harddrive icon on desktop. there way remove this? shouldn't matter thing mounted or file system, should it?

2. prefer kde, , indeed tried mandriva , kubuntu first neither wanted work mobile internet broadband dongle, no matter how fiddled it. ubuntu worked out of box. now, tried installing kde on ubuntu on 1 of first attempts, , prevented dongle working, because kdes' network manager didn't recognize it, although doesn't sound right. so, there way install kde , use gnome network manager?

hope can out on these!

, big thumbs-up ubuntu team surprisingly easy , versatile os.

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