RPI3 as Access point / start service at boot time automatically - Raspberry Pi Forums


i've been following tutorialhttps://frillip.com/using-your-raspberr ... h-hostapd/ on how use rpi3 ap , station.

remaining point it's not starting on own @ boot time.
need go terminal , type :
"sudo /usr/sbin/hostapd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf" indicated @ end of "configure hostapd" part of tutorial.

i'd know how starting automatically @ start of rpi

most daemons have service file comes them when install them. can enable

code: select all

sudo systemctl enable (name[ of service goes here, e.g hostapd)/code]. "enable" try start @ boot, "start" try now.  if not, can make one, it's quite easy. search "systemd service".



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