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Thread: Asus P4B + Karmic Koala

i'm newbie i've installed 9.04 parallel intallation on machine twice without problem.
tried on friend's machine asus p4b mobo , failed.
installation run, when restarting "grub_" , that's it.
somewhere read take 5 minutes on old machine grub start, waited above 5 min no avail.
tried parallel installation , ubuntu karmic koala alone.
windows xp work work ubuntu live cd.
tried creating partitions myself (i follow instructions found somewhere on net - possibly have done wrong it) since read somewhere problem linux unable read after 1024 cylinders.
partitions created /boot little less 1mb, /home 10gb, / 15gb , fat32 partition in hope install there later on xp.
still got same issue.
search net issues mobo , linux didn't find anything.

friend have give enjoy ubuntu?

maybe other distro friendlier such mobo?

after created partitions installed ubuntu. i'm not sure if during installation ubuntu install automatically "/boot" in /boot partition (and on) created or if have "point" after installation.

in case make difference hd 160gb maxtor.

if i've forgotten important infos, please let me know.

i recommend define 3 partitions:

  1. root / - 10 gbytes.
  2. home /home - choice.
  3. swap - 2x size of ram memory.

best regards,


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