Curious thing - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello all.
proud owner of 3 raspberries, got pi3 , burned .img of new raspbian official page sd card.
find curious booting in both pi2 , pi3 until splash, going blank screen no reaction. tried many things, card working well, found out press shift + f1 , text console appears. investigating further learned x server wasnt working, not launching sudo due weird permission user errors.
did fix was: remove lightdm, lxde , x server, , reinstall them again. worked , pi has graphical interface , all, looks customizations of raspbian gone.
pressume need reinstall graphic end of os not should have happened?


suggest download new copy of image file, sounds me copy have corrupt,or got corrupted while writing sd card, try again.

did use write image sd card ? if etcher did report problems sd card.



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