Wiring an ON-OFF-ON Momentary Toggle Switch (6 pin) "CHILY 7026"

i have digital ports 1 , 0 on uno both set "high" signal.  when port 1 reads "high", variable decrement.  when 0 reads "high", same variable increment.  wiring have (see below) worked when testing 2 dc motors outputs, isn't working when wired arduino.

1 - digital pin 1 on uno
2 - power (5v)
3 - digital pin 0 on uno
4 - nothing
5 - ground
6 - nothing

what correct wiring situation?  thanks!

correct wiring what? motors?

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > Wiring an ON-OFF-ON Momentary Toggle Switch (6 pin) "CHILY 7026"



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