"Rewrite" and other extension? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i considering joomla need types o functionality:  (a)i looking extension allows user “rewrite” specific words , phrases, improving keyword density of atom , rss feeds.  (b) image downloader. downloads , re-serves remote images, preventing broken images due hotlinking. (c) post engine. “posts out” sites create on number of blogging platforms, including wordpress, blogsome.com, , many others. “posting out” means that, after content has been generated joomla, content can “pushed” automatically blog own [same or different server]. (d) , lastly feed engine. pulls, parses, , stores rss , atom feeds variety of sources, including other blogs, marketing resources, affiliate programs, , other forms of xml aggregation. launch distributed content networks based on feeds.

welcome joomla
i think should check official joomla extensions repository


and i'm sure you'll find lots of plugins, components, modules these tasks


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