clap on/off light not working w/ vibration sensor

i trying create program uses piezo vibration sensor turn light on/off. wall light i  using servo flip switch. when clap want turn light on , wait clap. want turn light off. vibration sensor works , when goes above threshold triggers servo, in first if statement. seems happens takes same reading , applies second if statement, have servo move when clap once. tried fiddling timing go below threshold before sets go = 2, won't work. ideas?

#include <servo.h>
int groundpin= 0;
int sensepin = 1;
int go = 1;
servo light;

int threshold= 1000;

void setup()
pinmode(groundpin, output);
digitalwrite(groundpin, low);

void loop()
int reading = analogread(sensepin);
if((reading > threshold) && (go == 1))
   go = 2;
if((reading > threshold) && (go == 2))
   go = 1;

with 12 posts, should know better. go , read nick gammon's post @ top of forum on proper way post source code using code tags. you'll more responses if do.

edit: can edit post

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > clap on/off light not working w/ vibration sensor



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