1 RGB LED Controlled by 1 Button

hi guys,
hope can help.
i trying son arduino , thought colour changing mood lamp might first project. has autism , finding electronic interesting, i'm little out of depth here keep him interested in can have feeling of creating something.
i have rgb led breakout board (anode)
i having trouble finding sketch suits need , i'm not clued in enough understand how write myself. (although willing learn)
i use 1 button turn led on, first state should cycle through 8 colours, pressing button again should switch colour solid colour, pressing again should change next colour ie. first button press cycle through colours, second button press blue, third button press green, fourth button press red , on. once gone through sequence, last button press should switch off.
is @ possible?
thank can give , please forgive me if haven't posted in correct area.

what link rgb led breakout board?

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > LEDs and Multiplexing > 1 RGB LED Controlled by 1 Button



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