Need help with AtTiny84 and BMP085 small project. Will pay.

while know doing myself supposed beneficial, i'm totally frustrated , small part of overall project , can't spending more time on it.
i happy pay via paypal or 1 of freelancer sites.

basic requirements:   attiny84  microprocessor , bmp085 barometer sensor , arduino ide version 1.6.8

i supply basic .ino code file start with, can modified.
the code simple. had working until upgraded ide version 1.5.2 1.6.8
after code working , compiles, need libraries, cores, board etc. used tiny84 work plus locations of libraries, etc. go.
the code read bmp085 barometer sensor , display value on standard 2 x 20 lcd
the code save several start-up values eeprom

see pm ideas

Arduino Forum > Community > Gigs and Collaborations > Need help with AtTiny84 and BMP085 small project. Will pay.



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