Power supply question (regulated vs unregulated)


i have power supply (ac/dc transformer) rated @ 24v, 2.5a. not know sure if regulated or unregulated. understand unregulated supplies typically read higher-than-rated voltage if checked without load. when check power supply voltmeter reads 22.99v (pretty close 24v) no load. being said, safe assume regulated power supply? fyi, toy transformer 1/3rd scale pinball machine cpu, lcd's, sound, solenoids, etc.

also, on off-chance not regulated supply, idea use regulated supply instead? main concern preservation of pinball machine since don't make them anymore , pcb boards proprietary, no longer produced, , virtually impossible find. worry unregulated supply stressing on-board voltage regulators , shortening lifespan of electronics. have seen of these boards blown chips (unidentifiable) regulators. paranoid or valid concern?

here picture of actual power supply.


here power supply.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > Power supply question (regulated vs unregulated)



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