ssh key pairing between two pi's still requires password after setup - Raspberry Pi Forums

i ssh day long between boxes in pi network. try might, can't set ssh key pair allow me ssh pi pi without needing password. feel confident have followed basic rules letter:

ownership , permissions on both pi's same , correct. ssh password works fine. transfer of public key 2nd pi appears have worked fine (by inspection).

here steps took in recent attempt:

on pi1
cd .ssh
rm id*
ssh-keygen -t rsa -c <usrname>@<rp1 ip>
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh <usrname>@<rp2 ip>' cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys' ## have used other methods here, too...
>>provide password

when ssh rp2, prompted password.
after succesfully logging in , out of rp2, further attempt ssh still require password.

pulling hair out! hope here can offer solution.

did check content of .ssh/authorized_keys on both rpis?
did similar yesterday , works without password now.



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