Arduino Yun don't create wifi network

hello guys. i'm trying started arduino yun. according tutorials, yun should create wifi network would've connect. doesn't appera. beginner's guide recommends press wlan rst 5 seconds less 30 seconds... nothing happens. try pressing wlan rst more 1 minute, nothing happens. guide says when press wlan rst, wlan led should turn on. never turns on. please? thank much.

the arduino official page says

nb : in countries, prohibited sell wifi enabled devices without government approval. while waiting proper certification, local distributors disabling wifi functionality. check dealer before purchasing yún if believe may live in such country. if wish disable wifi, run sketch. more information, refer forum post.

sent me forum

in forum says how disable de wifi, ideas on how enable using code in forum?

Arduino Forum > Products > Arduino Yún (Moderator: fabioc84) > Arduino Yun don't create wifi network



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