Mesa driver much slower on Stretch than on Jessie - Raspberry Pi Forums

running 'glxgears -info' on raspbian jessie reporting around 180 frames-per-second rendering speed same on stretch reporting 45 fps, or quarter of speed! on same hardware (a raspberry pi 3 hdmi output), in both cases 'experimental' vc4 gl driver disabled.

oddity when running on jessie gears blue, red , green on stretch they're white, yellow , cyan! suppose deliberate change seems suspicious. mesa versions reporting 13.0.0 , 13.0.6 respectively.

can suggest what's going on here? when it's possible enable 'experimental' gl driver there's no noticeable difference in performance, when it's disabled stretch can unusably slow when jessie acceptable.


something not right - should close 60fps !

using 1080p screen , quality power 5.1v 2.5amp power supply large core cable ?

edit : re-read post - opengl driver must enabled run opengl glxgears demo correctly.



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