Photoshop CS4, do you talk to any actual photographers?

every time use new photoshop cs4 part of cs4 design standard annoyed lot @ adobe. have done, don't think take advice real photographers using product every day. sure may talk occasional photographer happy spend 10 hours on 1 image, paid huge client. everyday professionals use photoshop important tool in everyday digital workflow.

what in new cs4;
the quick selection tool,
the clone stamp preview.

what hate cs4;
1. new screen mode functions, when select 'full screen mode menu bar' image anchors bottom of screen. how stupid that? not auto dock appear on mac, need see beyond bottom edge of image, unless can see beyond bottom edge, not know bottom edge is. sure can use hand tool re-position image touch navigator re-size, down jumps bottom of screen. used float freely in cs3, why change it.
2. no contact sheet ii in automate menu. want me create contact sheets in pdf format. professional photographer, use professional lab printing, professional labs want image files jpegs or tiffs not pdf's. thought idea? not photographer. solution load 'legacy version' plug-in. fact have withdrawn cs4 demonstrates don't understand business of professional photography.
3. colour labels used in cs4 bridge aren't recognised lightroom2. cs4 bridge cant read cs2 bridge colour labels. why not? it's simple metadata , adobe products.

there other niggles these 3 affect workflow detrimentally , annoyed lot @ adobe every day, not because i'm grumpy old whatsit because software designers/engineers change things , don't know how used in real world. develop ridiculous things aptly named 'image toss' point of that? piece of software might clever can't see how ever useful.


you're addressing fellow users here, not adobe, peers.

post little long read in entirety, number 2 misguided. contact sheet ii available option, it's not installed default. download it, install , you'll have in file > automate in cs4 too.

More discussions in Photoshop Macintosh (read only)



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