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Thread: Karmic Koala ugly gdm bg fix

i hated ugly brown loading/login background in karmic koala so, fiddled things till found fix works. hope helps!

people looking replace ugly brown background gdm screen: simple workaround.

first - open terminal , type: sudo nautalis type password when prompted , minimize terminal (you root in nautilis) , navigate /usr/share/images/xsplash via window opened (this allow rename , edit xsplash background)

second - download or create bg of choice , save desktop.

third - make name of file same 1 in usr/share/images/xsplash (in case bg_2560x1600.jpg)

fourth - drag new image xsplash folder (usr/share/images/xsplash), replace when asks (good practice backup originals) , wallah! no more ugly brown screen. since same image used splash screen , login screen, there no more brown.

can edit white loading bar (with gimp or whatever) but, is.

yep, when designed new gdm upstream did not preserve ability customize gdm. gdm developers add of previous options in gdmsetup or similar real soon.

until may enjoy thread :

howto: comprehensive guide customising gdm , xsplash - ubuntu forums

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