how to use irfz44n as a motor driver? - Raspberry Pi Forums

beginner, , want drive motor raspberry pi 3 , motor driver "irfz44n".
have trouble:
1- has 1 gate pin connect gpio pin in every classes mentioned in resources ... on/motors/

there 2 pins each motor, don't know do?

2- not know gpio pin have use connect ?

link product : ... 3b3575220b


the answer second question "which gpio pin?" is: whichever want!
there many choose from, choices better others. excellent resource; there can see that, example, pins 3 & 5 used i2c bus, pins 11, 13, 15, 16, ... aren't being used else better choice.

first question:
irfz44n isn't motor driver chip, it's transistor - though remarkably nice 1 (my hifi built many years ago using ir's hexfets, of one).
if apply more couple of volts between gate , source, low resistance path occur between drain , source.
connecting gate gpio , source ground, can control circuit in current flows:
supply positive -> load -> drain -> source -> supply negative.

want motor turn both ways?
you'll need more transistors.
buy h-bridge chip so-called because looks h, 4 power transistors in it.



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