Multiple Text Layers---»One Custom Shape.

would create text logo, contact information, or perhaps copyright notice can use on , over, @ various sizes? here's how...

first of all, dispel notions of rasterizing text tip. if that, you'll ever able use result @ size created it. changing size of rasterized text make fuzzy, because you'll transforming pixels. you're looking way keep these layers vector, correct? here's 1 way:

let's go example of 3 text layers. , let's assume they're named "one", "two" , "three."

highlight text layer "one" in layers palette. go "layer---»type---»create work path". creates vector path of type in paths palette. path , name temporary until create work path, if create second work path youll overwrite first path. want make each path permanent part of document. go paths palette , double-click on work path. give option name path don't overwrite it. click "ok". default name of "path 1" fine now.

back in layers palette, highlight text layer "two" , repeat steps above. same text layer "three."

in paths palette, should see:
path 1
path 2
path 3
these path versions of text layers. far, pretty easy, right?

now combine paths.

choose direct selection tool (keyboard "a")

in paths palette, (option+click) [alt+click] on "path 3." select entire path , anchor points. copy paths "path 3" (command+c) [ctrl+c].

click on "path 1" highlight it. paste path copied (command+v) [ctrl+v]. "path 1" consists of path text layer "one" , path text layer "three."

(option+click) [alt+click] on "path 2" select it. copy path.

highlight "path 1" again. paste "path 2." "path 1" consists of paths created 3 text layers.

now, have vector paths 3 text layers gathered in "path 1." can drag "path 2" , "path 3" trash if want.

(option+click) [alt+click] on "path 1" , you'll see 3 text layer paths selected. youll know, because of anchor points on of paths darkened.

go "edit---»define custom shape..." , name how wish.

your new custom shape present in custom shape menu.

wanna save out don't lose it?

go "edit---»preset manager..." choose "custom shapes" (command+7) [ctrl+7] in drop-down menu. new 3-text-layer-custom-shape appear @ end of list. click once on name (or icon, if you're viewing way). click on "save set..." button. choose name, , save somewhere wont lose it. "custom shapes" folder, inside "presets" folder, inside main photoshop folder place.

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