Most efficient board for multi accelerometer and to connect to RaspPi?

hi all,
jumping in waters designing things. first thing want connect multiple accelrometers (~6-10) 1 of arduino's , send data remotely rasppi.

planning use adxl345 accelerometers (could changed, if make life easier), , nrf24l01 wireless communication between arduino , rasppi.

i new arduino , assuming effort able master arduino complexity.

my question community:

1. arduino uno best option have project, or should consider other boards? smaller better, less power hungry option.
2. other electronics or components need?
3. link details of similar project great.

any appreciated.

best regards,

the uno best board beginner because software , add-ons work it. nano similar uno on  smaller board can't use arduino shields.

i got nrf24s working tutorial

i recommend using tmrh20 version of rf24 library - solves problems maniacbug version

the pair of programs in this link may useful.


Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Most efficient board for multi accelerometer and to connect to RaspPi?



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