send and recive binary bit stream

for final year project want generate binary bit stream 12 bits (eg:- 0111 1010 0011)
from 1 arduino , recevie binary data through arduino , store variable.. possibilites doing ?
we trying poweline communication project. trasmitter need send 12 bit stream contains information reciver side 3 equipments. in 12 bit sream protocol, 1st 4 bits indicates starting of process process , 2nd 4bits address of quipments, , last 4 bit weather on/off of selected equipment. (something state machine)

any idea how generate 0111 1010 0011 , read using arduino??
what suitabe built in functions generating , receving binary bit stream?(sorry kniwldge on funtions v. low) don/t want send strings or whole decimal number.. binary bit stream

yes. start google search , then, if you're having problems, post code here , we'll see if can help.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > send and recive binary bit stream



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