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Thread: Pulseaudio reinstall doesn't detect external sound card

hello i'm having trouble sb live! external audio device. worked until yesterday, used terminal command "sudo apt uninstall pulseaudio" in attempt fix wine sound problems.

wine audio problem won't go away- instead kept giving me message whenever tried configure audio in application running in wine: "setting related direct sound has been modified. setting valid after rebooting computer".
have rebooted pc couple of time problem remained.

hence reinstalled pulse audio , after reboot, sb live! external audio device wasn't working. show in "sound preferences" panel device isn't here anymore.


after uninstall something, do:
sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoremove
then reinstall pulseaudio.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] Pulseaudio reinstall doesn't detect external sound card



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