Waveform output on Due

hello all,

i'm trying output custom waveform arduino due having issues. i'm trying simple simple waveform generator isn't intuitive , seems missing code (unless i'm mistaken).

i want output single waveform i'm trying avoid dealing libraries , don't need adjust frequency.

when try , run example code given in tutorial linked above, says dac0 wasn't declared in scope. happens when attempt declare it.

can give me insight on how use dac0 , dac1 pins? thanks!

just use analogwrite...
code: [select]
  pinmode(dac0, output);
  analogwrite(dac0, a);[/a]
if it's complaining dac0 isn't defined double-check have correct board selected on tools menu.

note pinmode isn't strictly necessary analogwrite checks anyway.

Arduino Forum > Products > Arduino Due (Moderator: fabioc84) > Waveform output on Due



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