Fried AD converter

i accidentally connected potentiometer incorrectly analogread().  connected pot pins 12v (vin), a5, , gnd.  after few seconds, smelled pot. 

now, using different pot hooked properly, analog inputs strange. getting readings on high end (1022), , stable until rotate pot , inputs below 140, inputs fluctuate between 80 , 120. never goes 0.   also, if use analogread() 2 inputs, both controlled equally 1 pot.  if use 2 pots, readings controlled 1st pot.

have fried ad converter?  or doing else wrong?

also, ad converter on atmega, or need new full board?

any appreciated.  in advance.

disconnect pot , ground input pin.
do 0 now?

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Installation & Troubleshooting > Fried AD converter



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