Powering Pi + Screen from AA batteries - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm total newbie when comes electronics, i've decided i'm going try make pi 0 handheld, learn along way.

i'm using 3.5 hdmi screen (of type https://www.aliexpress.com/item/raspber ... 62038.html ) works well. screen connect hdmi port of pi zero, , pi's usb port power.

main issue trying power pi/lcd combination aa batteries. know people suggest other options, understand if can make work, , if not, reason why.

i've bought 5v boost circuit ( https://www.banggood.com/pfm-control-dc ... 87949.html ) supposed boost 5v voltage starting 0.9v. suspect it's efficiency , specifications vary quite lot stated, since has 'power' led , won't turn on 1 aa battery, needs @ least 2 in series (which understand means not working 1.5v, works 3v).

first tried 2 aa batteries in series (along 5v booster) , these pi 0 turns on, no sign of life lcd. assumed needed more batteries, , tried configuration of 2 parallel aa in series 2 parallel aa ( this: https://cdn.instructables.com/f4r/fssv/ ... medium.jpg ). pi turns on, , lcd backlight turns on , turns off again.

cannot seem find power draw of lcd anywhere online, , in case, not know formula use calculate if can powered small number of aa batteries i've been trying do.

appreciate comments or assistance...

aa batteries won't last long, pi 0.
make sure have way safely power down pi if battery voltage drops low (to avoid sd card corruption)

i'd use @ least 4 aa batteries , dc-dc buck converter drop voltage, instead of boost it, 5v



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