Arduino to Wifi 101 communication using I2C

hi, working project arduino zero. external shield sensors communicating zeero via spi used in project. looking use wifi 101 shield transfer sensor data wirelessly system.

i beginner , want make wifi 101 use i2c communication arduino 0 instead of spi external shield uses spi , cannot modified. how go making wifi 101 use i2c. possible? please help.


arduino 0 -
external shield using spi communication
wifi shield 101


imho great use spi bus! made connect many different devices it. need when switching 1 peripheral using spi turn off clock of spi , pull chip select pin high.
i have used wifi shield sd card , have worked part. part wifi 101 library takes care of turning on , off spi clock after each command use.

Arduino Forum > Products > WiFi Shield 101 (Moderator: cmaglie) > Arduino to Wifi 101 communication using I2C



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