it seems image has not been received some, imho, bad... here's transpired between myself , admin on silly avatar didn't like. finny still in no 1 had sack send me pm ask me change before running admin.
posted cariboo907
posted linuxfanboi
posted cariboo907
we have had several complaints avatar, please change it.
thank you.
from code of conduct, section iii paragraph 6. "user signatures, avatars , custom user titles:"
no images or advertising in signatures unless advertising directly related linux in way or user's personal site not violate guidelines stated above. if see signature needs moderating, contact administrator can edit , contact user via private message. avatars should kept clean , inclusive of people. no porn, racist images, or rtfm types of images. if user has 1 of these, send them private message , ask them remove avatar. if user not voluntarily remove avatar contact administrator have avatar removed , possibly issue infraction. there select, small group of users on forums have been given special privilege of creating custom user title. thank them long-standing commitment community , consistent, positive contributions. users receiving privilege requested keep custom user title light-hearted, advertising-free, , clean...although have received privilege sort of users don't need told this.
my avatar not in violation of above. no 1 has sent me private message expressing displeasure on avatar, nor has asked me remove it.
because haven't been pm'd me avatar, have received several complaints "shocker", because of it's sexual meaning.
code of conduct:
avatars should kept clean , inclusive of people. no porn, racist images, or rtfm types of images. if user has 1 of these, send them private message , ask them remove avatar. if user not voluntarily remove avatar contact administrator have avatar removed , possibly issue infraction.
how 1 person interprets image subjective. image has non sexual, cultural meaning me , keep it. change avatar make public not happy this, not believe in keeping the values of community.
if have issue resolution centre place it.
Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions Resolution Centre OMG! I don't like that avatar at all!
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linux raspberrypi 4.9.56-v7+ #1044 smp fri oct 13 15:23:13 bst 2017 armv7l gnu/linux fmpeg version 3.2.5-1 when try use h264_omx encoder [h264_omx @ 0x4eb940] not found [h264_omx @ 0x4eb940] not found tried apt-file find 2 files don't seem part of package?! where/how should find them? in advance! after research learned omx layer in raspbian handled libomxil-bellagio library. fact ffmpeg apparently expecting different library suggest there's wrong raspbian ffmpeg package? anyway, recompiled ffmpeg myself , got h264_omx encoder work. raspberrypi
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