Does the backend cache? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support
hi all. have problem can't understand. i'm writing component manage subscriptions university exams. in backend, write down list of active exams, each 1 having 3 dates: 1 exam day, 1 opening of subscriptions , last 1 closing of subscriptions. exam_list() function, wrote code:
to add 2 icons each exam row, 1 open subscriptions , other 1 close them now. works fine, when change opening date , redirect list, doesn't show me "lock" icon active. need reload page.
does backend cache pages? how can disable that?
hope clear, thanks!
code: select all
if ($appello['es_datainizio'] > time()) {
$open = '<a href="#" title="apri subito le iscrizioni questo esame" onclick="conferma(\'open\',\'index2.php?option='.$option.'&act=exam_open&es_id='.$appello['es_id'].'\')"><img src="components/'.$option.'/img/open.gif" alt="apri" border="0" /></a>';
else {
$open = '<img src="components/'.$option.'/img/open_bw.gif" alt="apri" />';
if ($appello['es_datafine'] > time() && $appello['es_datainizio'] < time()) {
$lock = '<a href="#" title="chiudi subito le iscrizioni questo esame" onclick="conferma(\'lock\',\'index2.php?option='.$option.'&act=exam_lock&es_id='.$appello['es_id'].'\')"><img src="components/'.$option.'/img/lock.gif" alt="chiudi" border="0" /></a>';
else {
$lock = '<img src="components/'.$option.'/img/lock_bw.gif" alt="chiudi" />';
to add 2 icons each exam row, 1 open subscriptions , other 1 close them now. works fine, when change opening date , redirect list, doesn't show me "lock" icon active. need reload page.
does backend cache pages? how can disable that?
hope clear, thanks!
i forgot, here's sample of exam_open() function code:
hope help. again!
code: select all
function exam_open() {
global $database, $option;
$es_id = $database->getescaped(mosgetparam($_get,'es_id'));
$query = 'update #__prenes_esami set es_datainizio = \''.time().'\' es_id = '.$es_id;
echo $query;
if (!$database->query()) {die('no query');}
mosredirect('index2.php?option='.$option,'la data di apertura delle iscrizioni è stata modificata con successo.');
hope help. again!
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