HELP! EMG/Muscle sensor (v3)

i trying muscle sensor v3 3 electrodes give me readings, , cannot. i've scoured through forums , looked on code , wiring ages, spot anything?

the batteries hooked such positive end of battery 1 in +vs, negative end of battery 2 in -vs, , remaining free-ends hooked-up , connected gnd.  sig connected a0 (on arduino) , gnd gnd (on arduino).  (included since hard see in attached image).

two sets of code found give me different results.

(1) sparkfun

analogvisualizationarduino.ino : gives me value of 250 +/- 30 on serial monitor.  flexion doesn't cause these values fluctuate, nor removing electrodes.

(2) reading a0
muscle_raw.ino: gives me values of 5 +/- 10 on serial monitor.  flexion doesn't cause these values fluctuate, however, removing electrodes (green in particular) causes value on serial monitor shoot 1023.  

as such, have reason believe (newly purchased) kit not faulty, , perhaps it's in code or missing factor in wiring doesn't allow changes in raw_data during flexion.



if purchased sensor in last year unfortunately chinese counterfeit version of our muscle sensor v3 (which sparkfun used sell). stopped making v3 last year when released our myoware sensor. highly recommend upgrading myoware because can powered arduino directly , has built-in protection against getting burnt out improper power connections.

if post pictures of setup, can take , see if spot issues wiring.

have tried using arduino example code reading analog voltages? it's easiest code use when getting started sensor.

founder - advancer technologies

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > HELP! EMG/Muscle sensor (v3)



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