I2S Microphone and I2S Amp connect to Raspberry Pi Zero - Raspberry Pi Forums

hey guys,

want order 2 things adafruit:

1. i2s mic: https://www.adafruit.com/product/3421
2. i2s amp: https://www.adafruit.com/product/3006

doorbell project. problem according wiring guide both devices need gpio pins 18 (bitclock) , 19 (lrclock). how can substitute set of pins act both bitclock , lrclock either mic or amp?

edit: , before suggest. cannot use micro usb either function because used ethernet adapter. plan buy poe splitter micro usb , ethernet both power pi0 , provide stable ethernet connection.

pi0 using gpio pins 5v, 17 (red), 27 (green), 22 (blue) led (built inside momentary switch) , gpio pins gnd, 23 switch. switch w led pins can changed around accommodate i2s


phillip k

anyone? need wiring these 2 devices together! can’t find docs on it



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