Service to Safe Shutdown Headless Raspberry Pi Boards - Raspberry Pi Forums
everytime when need shutdown headless pi boards, either need plugin monitor or ssh pi. connecting pushbutton across gpio , running service, can safe shutdown , restart pi boards.
1. clone git:
2. run installer.
3. wire pi per diagram.
4. start shutdown service.
now, have service safe shutdown , restart pi working.
1. clone git:
code: select all
git clone
code: select all
sudo chmod +x /home/pi/pi-shut/ sudo /home/pi/pi-shut/
4. start shutdown service.
code: select all
sudo systemctl start on-off-pushbutton.service
the capability shutdown , restart raspberry pi using open momentary pushbutton switch connected gpio pins 5 & 6 present in raspbian stretch , requires no additional software. enable it:
1. add following line /boot/config.txt:
2. run rpi-update
depressing pushbutton on running system shut down if had issued "shutdown -h now".
depressing pushbutton on halted system restart system.
1. add following line /boot/config.txt:
2. run rpi-update
depressing pushbutton on running system shut down if had issued "shutdown -h now".
depressing pushbutton on halted system restart system.
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