
hi want use teensy 3.1 on micro brewery. im not sure current drive peripherial devices.
i need connect:
1x 4channel relayboard w opto (circuit)
3x ds18b20
1x l298
1x raspberry pi w 7" display on uart
? 28j60 ethernet module modbus communication

i wanted power them external power supply.
i plained put fuse on
1x 2a (rpi)
1x 500ma (teensy)
1x 2a (ds18b20, relayboard, l298)

about relayboard:
i measured current on relay board, takes 15-20ma if connect digital optoisolated inputs 5v.
can use 3.3v too?
can attach io pins devices directly teensy 3.1 or need put resistors between?

about l298,:
i have read there burned 2 teensy conecting similar board.
they wrote voltage spikes on 5v line. im not shure if external power source can handle that, need overvoltage protection?
they suggested use resistors on digital pins of l298.

i think serial communication between rpi , teensy work whitout problems.
the communication between rpi , teensy modbus, because wanted use somthing codesys controll device there maybee cheaper?

wow, great subject line !

first off, relays have 3 separate power supplies.
you know contacts isolated controls, 1 moot.
you have power supply coils.  relay coils can voltage, ac or dc, depends on how coil wrapped , materials used on contacts.
the third question lies.  how send signal activate circuit powers coils.

there many links on how control relay , using form of fet or transistor how use small signal control large one. 

if buying of relay boards have opto-isolators built in, power requirements no more 20ma max, less.

so, need clean power supply logic stuff.
either form of filter, isolation or separate power supply low voltage power control
and whatever have or need contact side of relays.

using cap @ input of arduino goes long way filter voltage relays being switched.  hefty switching power supply have large caps allow surge in relays switching.

start out simple connections, make sure tie dc ground together, , should good.  if have problems should need make special adjustments.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Brewery



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