Attiny13 mixed interrupts, doing it the right way?
i have used attiny13 lot on different small projects have never tried mix , activate/deactivate interrupts way before question missing here or there mess things long time use?? code working more of final check.
maybe explanation part off?
this remote media control attiny13a, nrf24l01 transmitter, , 3 ttp223 capacitive touch buttons , 2aaa batteries of mounted inside small plastic box touch buttons mounted on top of inside of box can press keys touching part of outside of box.
the attiny sleeping time , wake pcint0_vect after uses wdt_vect count how long pause key pressed (to change mode) , handle long presses on , down key(send message every 4th wdt int)...ok that's think.
here main part of code, skipped nrf part of code since part have no interrupts in it.
to make code fit on attiny13 , run faster have skipped digitalread() mm , using direct port instead. , few more space saving tricks...
maybe explanation part off?
this remote media control attiny13a, nrf24l01 transmitter, , 3 ttp223 capacitive touch buttons , 2aaa batteries of mounted inside small plastic box touch buttons mounted on top of inside of box can press keys touching part of outside of box.
the attiny sleeping time , wake pcint0_vect after uses wdt_vect count how long pause key pressed (to change mode) , handle long presses on , down key(send message every 4th wdt int)...ok that's think.
here main part of code, skipped nrf part of code since part have no interrupts in it.
to make code fit on attiny13 , run faster have skipped digitalread() mm , using direct port instead. , few more space saving tricks...
code: [select]
isr(wdt_vect) {}
isr(pcint0_vect) {}
int main(void){
sbi (spi_ddr, spi_sck); //set outputs
sbi (spi_ddr, ce);
sbi (spi_ddr, spi_mosi);
adcsra &= ~(1<<aden);//adc off
sbi(gimsk,pcie); // turn on pin change interrupt
sbi(pcmsk,pcint3); // pins affected interrupt
sbi(pcmsk,pcint4); // pins affected interrupt
sbi(pcmsk,pcint5); // pins affected interrupt
sei(); // enable global interrupts
csnhi(); //init csn
tx_mode(); // set tx mode
while(1) {
cli(); // disable gobal interrupts
wdtcr |= (1<<wdtie); // enable watchdog timer interrupts
// wdtcr |= (1<<wdp1);
sei(); // enable global interrupts
while(((pinb>>pause_key)&1)==1) //count number of wdt ints pause key pressed
if(counter>30) sett=1; //toggle volume mode
if(counter>0&&counter<30&&sett==0) sendd('p'); //send pause
if(counter>1&&counter<30) sett=0; //clear volume mode
while(( ((pinb>>upp_key)&1)!=((pinb>>down_key)&1))&&(((pinb>>pause_key)&1)==0))
//while upp or down key pressed , pause key not send message every 4th wdt interupt
if(sett==0) sendd('>'); else sendd('u');
if(sett==0) sendd('<'); else sendd('d');
sleep_mode(); //sleep 4 wdt between transmissions
cli(); // disable gobal interrupts
sei(); // enable global interrupts
counter=0;//clear counter next
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Attiny13 mixed interrupts, doing it the right way?
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