MPU6050 problem with saturated (-32768/+32767) axis values


i have recurring problem mpu6050 chips.

the problem is: when try calibrate mpu6050, axes (mostly 80% of parts either accz and/or gyroz) deliver uncalibrated values @ either extremes of range of [-32768/+32767]. , calibration not able budge axis state, stucks there.

i use modified version of mpu calibration routine luis rodenas (based on i2c lib of jeff rowberg). modified see single step results, , visible axes have such saturated "reset value" fail converge.

interestingly had devices, - when applied starting offset bringing close 0, +32000 if start vaue -32768 - started work somehow, @ least values went lower negative , see change of values when moved board. not reproducible. led me conclusion luck it's not devices bad.

i have third run of arduino compatible board featuring mpu6050 accelero- , gyro sensor. first 2 runs had bad yield due mpu, @ time had serious discussion production hub pcb assembly steps might run mpu. now, after looking @ each , every facet of assembly process , having gone through manual several times, i'm quite confident, not mounting ruins sensor. manufacturing according spec of device in every imaginable sense.

as buy components digikey , other, smaller sources, sources produce same problem, conclude either chips fine or invensense has major spill going on months (which again not believe, otherwise out of buseiness now).

what explanation of problem?

i appreciate every help!

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Sensors > MPU6050 problem with saturated (-32768/+32767) axis values



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