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Thread: inkscape 0.46 on 9.10


question related "how/when 1 can install earlier version of program on ubuntu?" in particular use inkscape 0.46 (latest version 0.47) on ubuntu 9.10.

have tried synaptic package manager -> package -> force version, gray (not choosable).

have tried "sudo aptitude install inkscape=0.46", responds saying there no such version, , installs version 0.47.

there way it?

thank you.

note: want version inkscape 0.46, because in 0.47 feauture (text appearing text in eps) broken.


sudo apt-get autoremove inkscape
then: install package
(other option )

way work (for future needs):
input search, remove, install.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] inkscape 0.46 on 9.10



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