Growing array with fscanf data in matlab
i trying send value arduino matlab , read serial data fscanf() in matlab arduino.
my requirements need able send data @ specified time interval i.e 20 values persecond @ .05 seconds. , need able graph incoming data , able save later use. know length of array before start have read , seen can used speed process.
the problem having each iteration of loop becomes successively longer throws time behavior off more. believe due growing array inside of loop have.
the last tic toc finction used can graphically see slowdown time.
thank in advance help
my requirements need able send data @ specified time interval i.e 20 values persecond @ .05 seconds. , need able graph incoming data , able save later use. know length of array before start have read , seen can used speed process.
the problem having each iteration of loop becomes successively longer throws time behavior off more. believe due growing array inside of loop have.
code: [select]
x = linspace(0,time1,tosd)';
x1 = amp*sin(x*(2*pi/20)) + offset;
y = zeros(length(x),1);
i = 1;
hold on;
title('pressure data');
xlabel('data number');
ylabel('analog voltage (0-1023)');
t1 = zeros(length(x),1);
hold on;
title('time execute task');
xlabel('iteration number');
ylabel('time taken');
while (i<=length(x))
t2 = tic;
t = tic;
fprintf(handles.ultram,(['<p' num2str(x1(i)) '>']));
disp((['<p' num2str(x1(i)) '>']));
y(i) = fscanf(handles.ultram,'%i');
hold on;
plot(i, y(i), 'b*');
plot(i, pressure, 'b*');
hold off;
while toc(t) < 0.05
t1 = toc(t2);
hold on;
hold off;
= + 1;
the last tic toc finction used can graphically see slowdown time.
thank in advance help
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Interfacing w/ Software on the Computer > Growing array with fscanf data in matlab
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