I Need Direct P2P Help For A Short Time - Raspberry Pi Forums

dear friends,
need knowledgeable person allow me directly ask them few questions maker boards email or personal messages or ever. have learning disability makes beginning new thing difficult, however, once basics learn , understand better average.

because self taught regards electromechanical things have dysfunctional order of taking in information, before can begin learn have nagging question answered. in forums people respond post not trying answer questions trying show off big brain, belittle you, chit chat, trying confuse you, out right don't know what's smell balking about.

didn't have toys when kid toys discarded electrical devices, broken radios , things. take apart see what's inside , try make things parts. came mini bikes , go carts lawn mower engines , then, baboom. . . karz.

taken bunch of automotive courses in community college various computer courses included b.a.s.i.c. , tech course in basic electronics , computer repair helped me understand how how cpu works binary, hexadecimal, ascii, ect.

of in eighties after building pcs, have project want build need understand maker boards continue, please help.

in forums people respond post not trying answer questions trying show off big brain, belittle you, chit chat, trying confuse
true, although might not "most people". on other hand there lot of kind souls around genuinely interested problems posed , helpful.

if 1 can grow thick skin , ignore egotistical bluster asking questions on forum can fruitful way information. of course advice incorrect, out of date, incomplete or otherwise faulty. 1 has selective.

technique keep questions short possible. there more chance of people bothering read them. try ask 1 question @ time, keep simple reader. try make question direct possible. state want or know.

now, mentioned "maker boards". maker board in particular? might presume raspberry pi forum for.

mentioned "i have project". want do? knowing helps reading think of suitable solutions.

sorry can't "p2p" mentor anyone. if have specific questions such mentor throw them out here , perhaps or else can point in right direction.



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