RPi 3 as Windows 10 HID? - Raspberry Pi Forums

ok, let me see if can explain:

have pi3 pi 7 inch capacitive touch screen. using python , kivy create gui send key-presses windows machine keyboard and/or game controller. incorporate real-world hardware (encoders, switches, leds) thru gpio. happen via usb. not want use wifi (vnc). bluetooth ok if and/or best way, i'd keep things wired application.

aware can not use usb ports due architecture of usb bus, there way use gpio?

should use, say, i2c arduino nano can loaded act usb hid?

i've been struggling minute , advice helpful.

the voltage levels of rpi gpios not directly compatible usb if had software bit bang waveforms, decode responses , implement usb stack.

more promising approach might usb 3.3 volt serial converter. plug usb pc , connect serial side serial on rpi gpio. agreed not hid.



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