Buck Converter Issue

i trying step down voltage ranging 5v-12v down 3.3v, using buck converter http://www.ebay.com/itm/mini-mp1584en-dc-dc-buck-adjustable-step-down-module-effect-higher-than-lm2596-/301668096806?hash=item463cd1db26:g:0waaaoswt6pvhnzf.

however, seem seeing issue:

input voltage: 5.5-12v output voltage: 3.3v -> ok
input voltage: 4.5-5v output voltage: 3.9v
input voltage: 4-4.4v output voltage: 3.1

why output voltage jump 3.9v 5v input? have handful of same buck converter, tested them , got same result.

i have these http://www.ebay.com/itm/mini-dc-dc-converter-step-down-buck-power-supply-module-for-flight-control-car-/400985370863?hash=item5d5c9730ef:g:ufqaaoxy4t1shmyt, doesn't seem have issue. these converters appear output 3.3v when input voltage 3.8v-12v.

does know cause , reason of voltage increase @ 5v?

did have load on output? regulator can bit jumpy without.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > Buck Converter Issue



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